Spring Hill Church
Reverend Tommy Jenkins

Reverend Tommy Jenkins

Reverend Tommy Jenkins, our retired pastor.

Tommy and Carol, Thank You for your years of hard work and dedication to Spring Hill Church and God’s work!

Tommy and Carol

Reverend Tommy Jenkins and his wife Carol

Reverend Tommy “T.J.” Jenkins
October 13, 1955 – June 17, 2020

Rev. Tommy Jenkins was the pastor of Spring Hill Church for over 25 years. He ministered to the inmates at the Whitfield County Jailhouse. Was one of the founding members of the Whitfield County Fire Department in 1977. Was the Captain of Station 3 in Dawnville until he retired from the fire department in 2001. Is the chaplain of the Harley Owner Group (HOGs). Is a nursing home minister that loves to bless the residents with God’s love, compassion and music. Tommy not only served his community for several years but has spread his compassion and love to anyone he meets. He has been a mentor to many young preachers and has encouraged these young preachers to stand behind the pulpit and preach God’s word.

He has always been a hard working member of the community doing volunteer work and has always been able to lend a helping hand, lend an ear or a shoulder.

On top of this he works his regular job as a truck driver for Whitfield Trailer Leasing.

Due to stage 4 bladder cancer, on Sunday May 31, 2020 he stepped down as pastor of Spring Hill Church so someone more able could do the job and allow him to concentrate on getting himself better.

He may no longer be the pastor but he has been a shining example to upcoming pastors as to what a person with a True Pastor’s Heart is. And for the rest of us how to Let Your Light Shine As A True Christian. Trying to follow in his footsteps is not easy because he sets the bar high.

Although the governments so called Covid-19 pandemic caused all kinds of problems for people, one good thing did come of it. We decided to video a weekly message for everyone to see. We have Tommy’s last sermon before he stepped down as Pastor on video. It was the Easter Sunday Sunrise Service. Click Here to see the video.

Our Pastor went to spend eternity with his Lord 6-17-2020. He may not be with us, but his spirit and enthusiasm he had for the Lord will always be present at Spring Hill Church.


Quote: “Most so called friends are there till things get bad and then they’re no where to be found. But when things get bad, that’s when Tommy shows up offering to do what ever he can to help. That’s a true friend!” by Bruce M. Jones.

Brother Don Henson got with D&S Monuments and worked out the details to convert the big rock in the rock garden into a memorial for Tommy.

This is a view in the rock garden.

This is a closeup of the final memorial.